Numele tau exact de pe server:
Numele exact al celui reclamat:
Motivul reclamatiei, abuzul sau:
Dovezi (imagini sau clipuri video):
Adminul respectiv este RCON pe server:
Daca da, acesta a abuzat de o functie RCON la care are acces:
De ce i-ai facut reclamatie:
Consideri ca e un abuz grav:
Cum l-ai sanctiona:

- Jucatorii ce creeaza o reclamatie pentru ban aiurea unui administrator si nu au cererea de unban acceptata, vor primii SUSPEND 3 DAYS pe forum!
- Dovezile sub forma de imagini sau clipuri video, sunt obligatorii! Daca reclamatia ta nu este sustinuta de dovezi concrete, va fi automat respinsa! Dovezile atasate trebuie sa fie intregi, sa nu fie decupate sau editate in vreun fel, altfel vor fi considerate nule, si reclamatia ta va fi respinsa!
- Reclamatiile trebuie facute in maxim 3 zile de la greseala adminului!
- Daca nu esti implicat in reclamatie, sau nu ai dovezi care sa sustina vinovatia/nevinovatia uneia dintre parti, iti este interzis sa postezi (vei primi suspend 5 zile)!
- Odata ce ai facut reclamatia nu o mai poti retrage! In caz contrar vei fii sanctionat cu ban pe o perioada de 5 zile!
- Titlul reclamatiei va contine Reclamatie [Nume Admin] !


Your exact server nickname:
The exact nickname of the admin:
The reason of this complaint, his mistake or abuse:
Proof (Images, or video clips):
Is the admin in question a server RCON:
If yes, did he abuse RCON functions he has access to:
Why did you submit this complaint:
Do you consider this to be a severe abuse:
How would you punish the admin:

- Players that create a complaint for a ban, but they don't have the unban application accepted, they will be SUSPENDED FOR 3 DAYS on the forum.
- Proof in the form of images or video clips is required for creating complaints! If your complaint isn't supported by proofs, it will be automatically rejected! Also, images and videos must not be cropped or edited, otherwise they will be considered null, and your complaint will be rejected!
- Complaints must be created in maximum 3 days since the abuse of the admin in question!
- If you are not involved in the complaint, or don't have proof to sustain the innocence of the player, you are not allowed to reply to complaints; violating this rule will lead to a 5 days suspension!
- Once submitted, a complaint cannot be withdrawn! Violation of this rule will lead to a 5 days ban!
- The title of the complaint will contain Complaint [Admin's name] !