Numele tau de pe server:
Numele celui reclamat:
Motivul reclamatiei, abuzul sau:
Dovezi (imagini sau clipuri video):
Jucatorul respectiv este VIP pe server:
Daca da, acesta a abuzat de o functie VIP la care are acces:
De ce i-ai facut reclamatie:
Consideri ca e un abuz grav: Cum l-ai sanctiona:

- Dovezile sub forma fie de imagini sau clipuri video, sunt obligatorii pentru orice reclamatie!
- Daca reclamatia ta nu este sustinuta de dovezi concrete, va fi automat respinsa!
- Daca nu esti implicat in reclamatie, sau nu ai dovezi care sa sustina vinovatia/nevinovatia jucatorului, iti este interzis sa postezi si vei primi suspend 5 zile!
- Odata ce ai facut reclamatia nu o mai poti retrage! In caz contrar vei sanctionat cu ban pe o perioada de 5 zile!


Your exact server nickname:
The exact nickname of the player:
The reason of this complaint, his mistake or abuse:
Proof (Images, or video clips):
Is said player a server VIP:
If he is, did he abuse VIP functions he has access to:
Why did you submit this complaint:
Do you consider this to be a severe abuse:
How would you punish him:

- Proof in the form of images or video clips is required for creating complaints!
- If your complaint isn't supported by proofs, it will be automatically rejected!
- If you are not involved in the complaint, or don't have proof to sustain the innocence of the player, you are not allowed to reply to complaints; violating this rule will lead to a 5 days suspension!
- Once submitted, a complaint cannot be withdrawn! Violation of this rule will lead to a 5 days ban!